Sunday, March 4, 2007

Got milk???

Hello everyone!!! Can you believe our little guy is 5 months and 2 weeks already!!! These past few months have been a whirlwind of emotions. We are still amazed that we actually created him.

Jovany Adrian is such a happy baby and loves "parranda". His main focus in life is a good hearty meal. He has acquired a new taste ever since he discovered how to put his vinegar smelling feet in his mouth.

Since rice cereal and veggies have been added to the menu, his appetite has taken a turn for the worst LOL! Our 22 pounder has officially moved onto a "big boy" car seat and is so much more comfortable. After so much effort, he finally rolled over on his own and was trilled with the standing ovation he received from Mami and Daddy.

His personality is so much like his fathers; he's very observant and studies an object with such intensity. He's begun to distinguish different pitches and tones in his voice and recently, Abuelita said that he said Da Da Da (Daddy was thrilled!). He enjoys long walks outside, but chokes on the air when it's a windy day. He's taken a new interest in Thomas the Train (humm another engineer in the family), enjoys books and is learning sign language. He will be joining his buddy Gabby and Abuelita on weekly outings to the local library's "story time for infants" and "puppets shows" very soon!

His first bathing suit was purchased for him, and we can't wait to take him to the pool and beach in a few weeks. We look forward to his first visit to Jersey next month to finally meet the rest of the family and catch up with his primo Max!!!

Until next time!!!!!

What is Jovany's favorite fruit?