Monday, May 7, 2007

Splish Splash!!!

Hello everyone!!! Can you believe Jovany's 7 and a half months old??? Time is flying by. His ear infection episode only lasted 2 days and then he bounced back to himself again. Thank God!!

Bath time is so much fun now! Jovany splashes the water around and gets everything wet. The funniest is when he tries so hard to grab the water as it pours from the cup. He concentrates so intensely and even makes the "Tovar eyebrow look", but can't seem to realize that you can't grab water. He loves his disco ducks that light up and likes to suck the water from the washcloth.
You can definitely tell this kid is a Florida boy. He loves the water! After packing the car with practically the whole house, we decided to go on a little adventure in search of a new spot for the beach. We found the cutest little island and it was only 30 minutes from our house (Tarpon Springs). It was perfect for Jovany's first time to the "playa. " After we set up our fort (umbrellas, chairs, cooler etc), we brought Jovy straight to the water. He did not hesitate once about getting in and was kicking his legs like a little fish. I guess he though it was a giant bath tub. He must of enjoyed the different taste of the salt water because he kept licking and sucking the raft. The day wore him out and he passed out under the umbrella for about 2 hours. We had a great time!

Oh more thing. This weekend, our little guy gave mommy a heart attack. I left him in his crib playing with his toys for a couple of minutes and when I came back.....homeboy was STANDING in his crib by himself banging on my dresser and with the biggest smile on his face. The reason for my cardiac arrest was that the crib mattress was set all the way up and the top of the railing was about to his pelvis. So guess what daddy ended up doing that day???? lowering the crib because now Jovany's standing on his own.

Happy Birthday Abuelita!!!

Next weekend is Mami and Papi's "get away"weekend. Yes, we will be leaving Jovany with the Abuelitos over night for the first time. HAAAA!!!! We know he will be in excellent hands, but this is a big step for me, I mean us. We're just going to the Marriott in St. Pete for one night and we so need it!!! It's a lot of work being a parent!

What is Jovany's favorite fruit?