Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Dr. Tarantino

When your told you have to go a "Fertility Specialist", so many things flash through your mind. We were very nervous about going to the clinic thinking we were going to come out a family of ten.

We had so many unanswered questions and we didn't know if children were in our future. We were determined to do whatever it took to have our family.

Dr. T's patience and optimism reassured us that God would bless us with a baby one day. After several MRI's and medical exams, he FINALLY discovered my problem! Who would of known that you can be born with a wall down the middle of your uterus preventing inplantation of an embryo. He surgically removed the septum and cleared us to start trying again. We were thrilled....I had a brand new uterus!!

He never pressured us into taking fertility drugs and always gave us hope. Five months after the surgery, I was pregnant again!!!

Six weeks into the pregnancy and several exams later, I was released from him because things were looking great. I didn't understand why he would not be my doctor anymore. How were we going to get through this pregnancy and delivery without Dr. Tarantino? He said to us, "My job is to get you pregnant, my job here is done". "Your OBGYN can take it from here", "just make sure you bring the baby by the office one day".

It saddened us to leave him, but Jimmy and I vowed that one day we would bring Jovany to meet this special doctor. After much procrastination, I finally did it today. Jovany met Dr. Tarantino and it was such a special moment for us. He remembered me and couldn't believe how big Jovany was. He asked when the second one was coming????

What is Jovany's favorite fruit?