Friday, November 16, 2007

Jovany the Explorer!!!

Our little guy is so fascinated with the world he lives in. So many things are calling his attention lately.

From pulling off little berries from the bushes and holding on to them for dear life, to helping mommy put the clothes from the dryer to the basket. Let's not forget the DEMANDED morning walk at Abuelita's (on rainy days he waits by the front door upset). He loves to wave to the children at the bus stop and stops in aww to watch the wheels on any vehicle go round and round.

We are so intrigued with all his little discoveries. Jovy loves to observe and concentrates intensely when he plays (wonder where he gets those traits from???). He's realizing there's a cause and effect for everything and is sooooo testing his limits.

Last weekend, we went up to Jersey again. BRR!!!! It was great to see everyone and Jovany had a great time playing with his cousins. Lito was amazed on how quick Jovany discovered how to climb stairs being it was the first time he had every been around them before. Little dare devil!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Happy Halloween!

We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Halloween!!!

What is Jovany's favorite fruit?