Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy 2008!!

Happy New Year everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

So much to update you on...Tia Erika, Tio Ram and Max spent their first "Florida Christmas" with us this year. They were amazed that you can celebrate the Christmas season in the patio with shorts LOL!!

The boys had a blast at the Aquarium, Zoo, parks and just running around the house. It was great to see them interacting and playing nicely. Max learned to eat his snacks quick or Jovany will eat them all! Jovany learned that sneakers can sometimes prevent you from sliding down the slide correctly (bump, bump). They both learned how special it is to have cousins and they really bonded over the 10 days. The house seemed so quiet when they left and the first morning, Jovany went looking for Max only to find an empty room :(

Jovany has made many developmental explosions lately. We are now experiencing teething as 4 teeth are coming in at the same time, making a grand total of 6 teeth in his mouth. Let's just say that he's a little grumpy and is BITING everything including Mami, Papi and Tata (Abuelita). Thank God he has spared his BFF Gabby from the biting. With that being said, our 15 month old has visited the "time-out" wall a few times for various reasons including banging the wine glasses to make a harmonious sound and slapping Mami in the face etc. This little guy has a very strong personality and likes to push his limits. His determination is no joke....on New Years Day, he decided to bungee jump (minus the bungee cord) from his crib because he didn't want to take a nap. He gave Mami and Papi a heart attack when we found him standing by the door. So, as hard as it was to realize that our little baby no longer needed a crib anymore, we bought him a toddler bed. Although it worries Mami that he can roam around his room at night, he seems to have adjusted well.

Jovany has also developed an obsession with his belly button. He walks around the house with his finger in his belly button (a lot like Al Bundy) and he's always lifting up Mami and Daddy's shirt to look for our belly buttons. Our little Montessori baby is doing amazing with simple puzzles and with some encouragement cleans up his toys before bedtime. He understands and follows simple commands and is such a helper around the house. He loves to dance and lately has been doing a Stevie Wonder sway thing with his head. Tata has recently introduced him to Play Dough. He loves the texture and sorts them on his tray. Another new discovery is drinking from a straw. He loves it! Until next time....

What is Jovany's favorite fruit?