Monday, March 10, 2008

March Madness!

Hello everyone!!!

I know it's been a while.....just really busy. We all were sick battling bad colds and now Jovany's going through a major growth spurt! He's stretching upwards, loosing his baby fat and teeth are coming in like crazy! This child continues to amaze us with his appetite.

He's getting into everything lately, so we've had to lay down the law a little bit around the Tovar house. He's such a curious little boy and he's fearless. I turned my head for one second the other day and he had climbed up on to the kitchen table.

I am glad to say that Jovany takes after his Mommy! Daddy tried to skip brushing teeth one night (Mommy was at Zumba class) and Jovany refused to go into his room. He waited by the sink in the bathroom pointing to his spiderman toothbrush. Sorry Daddy....only one cochino in the house!

Here are some pictures of Jovany with his buddy Gabriella at Gymboree for the first time. They had a good time climbing, playing and dancing. It was what I like to call "organized chaos!" There was a lot going on in that gym, but Jovany enjoyed it all especially the climbing and singing.

One new thing to report.....Jovany is now potty training and we've had a couple successes. It helps that "Tita" reads tons of books to get Jovy and Gabby to stay on their seats for a while. Although # 2 on the potty has not happened yet for Jovany , #1 has happened a few times (one time standing up and wetting the floor...oops). We owe it all to "Tita" as she makes potty time so exciting especially when they wave bye bye to the pee pee and ka ki going down the toilet.

Until next time everyone!!!

What is Jovany's favorite fruit?