Saturday, October 10, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

Butch's Blueberries!

Luis Carlos even gave us a hand picking berries!!!

We told Jovany we were going to get blueberries and he told us we were going the wrong way once we passed Publix.....we took a nice drive about 30 minutes north of us and went blueberry picking with the boys last Saturday. Jovany absolutely loves blueberries and he was in heaven!!! He ate more than he actually picked but we managed to get 2 buckets full. We've been eating smoothies, pancakes and baking lots of blueberry muffins!!! I don't want to see another blueberry for a while!

Family Photos

5 months already....

Luis Carlos started eating cereal recently and he is one inpatient baby. He gets so mad and screams if you don't give him more right away. Hmmmm wonder where he gets that from????

Our "chinito" is growing so fast. I feel like I just gave birth to him and he's already rolling over, eating cereal and chewing on his feet. Wow!!! It's amazing how even so little each child's personality shines through. Luis Carlos is a homebody unlike his brother. He loves to be around his family and can get a little uneasy around unfamiliar faces but takes comfort in holding his brother's hand or staring at one of us. He is a little "pre Madonna"! He hates to be hot, loves to be held and must get his beauty sleep. We love him so much!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Luis Carlos' Baptism

Lito and Lita

Tito and Tata

Godparents Stefanie and Nicky

The gang!!! By the way, the baptism water was roon temperature so none of the 15 children baptised that day made a sound.

This Saturday we baptised our son at our church. We are happy he's blessed and part of a loving community. It was such a beautiful day! We thank everyone for your warm wishes and for being part of that special day.

Luis Carlos is 4 months now and it seems like he's growing faster than we can keep up with. He's smiling, laughing, almost rolling over and he's babbling a lot. He loves playing "Arepitas" with his big brother and reading books (teacher's kid). We recently moved LC to his room and crib and the first night we couldn't help but feel an emptiness in our room. That feeling was short lived because LC joined Mami in the bed for a feeding around 3 ish that night and Jovany busted in our room saying "Buenos Dias" at around 6 ish. Then it was off to work to face the day!!! Who needs sleep......sleep is overrated!!! Our favorite thing is our morining cuddles with all four of us squished in our queen size bed because we know that one day the boys will be grown and gone. It's so worth any dream you could have off in sleepyland.

Spring is in the Air!!!

The boys!!!

Mami and Jovy at an egg hunt.

Lots of eggs!!!

Jovy with the bunny.

Jovany has been going through a Dr. Seuss craze. His favorite is The Cat in the Hat. I think we have read it to him about a million times. He has the book memorized and will recite pages randomly. The kid loves books which makes Mami so happy!

Our little guy is cooing so much and recently started to scoot.

Friday, February 20, 2009

And Now We Are Four!

This was our first family photo and it was much harder than I thought to coordinate everyone looking the same direction and happy (the hood was a must). This was the best we could do!
Life with 2 kids is definitely busier. Jimmy and I don't stop all day long but it is so worth every smile, hug and kiss. The boys are amazing and growing so fast!

Luis Carlos is doing amazing. His life consists of eating, sleeping and pooping. He enjoys the outdoors already and taking a bath with his brother. We have a feeling he got the athletic gene from his Tio Chris because he is very strong and can already support his body with his legs. He loves to cuddle and seems to need us much more than Jovany did.

Here's the chunky monkey at 2months weighing in at 13 lbs. As you can see no one goes hungry in our household!

Jovany has become a wonderful and protective big brother. He loves his brother and is so ready for Luis Carlos to play with him or at least have more of a reaction. It's so great to see them interact.

Sweet boys!!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


LUIS CARLOS TOVAR.....named after his two amazing Grandfathers

Born December 17, 2008 ate 8:06 am. He weighed 6lbs 15oz.....19 inches long

Born C-section somewhere between 36 and 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Jovany caring for Mami but so tempted to touch all the buttons

My first breaths in the BIG world were very difficult. I was in NICU for observation due to fluid in my lungs....

I was one of the bigger babies in the NICU, but had to be watched closely....the nurses took such good care of me and I became healthier everyday

NO MORE FEEDING TUBE!!!! Drinking milk on my you see my little IV???? OUCH!!!

So excited to finally go home!!!! All my family is waiting for me

It was the hardest thing ever to leave our son at the hospital and not take him home with us. Luckily, it was for one day only....

Christmas Eve 2008

Our sweet boy!!! God is good!!!

Do you see the resemblance to my brother and Papi??? Do you see the eyebrow/thinking look I have..... I still look more like Mami though....

Sometimes it's hard being a big brother....I love my baby brother so much but he makes Mami very busy! I am taking full advantage of Mami's boo boo and doing things I normally don't do to get some attention. I do love to help Mami change diapers and wash LC.....I am in charge of the pacifier staying inside his mouth.

What is Jovany's favorite fruit?