Monday, April 9, 2007

What's with the bunny and his eggs???

Since it was our first Easter with the baby, we found ourselves falling in the trap of buying the Easter basket, eggs and small gifts for the baby.... Jimmy asked me on Easter morning, "what is the deal with the Easter bunny and eggs???" I said, " I have no idea what the story is about it, it was just an excuse to buy Jovany something." We both grew up with the understanding that Easter was a time to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and share a great meal with your family.

So what's the deal with this bunny? Does the Easter bunny lay the eggs? Jimmy was determined to find the story behind the bunny and the eggs , so that one day when Jovany is old enough he could tell him the story. So at the luncheon later on that day he began asking family and friends what the story was. Well unfortunately, no one in my family knows either. I guess it's an American thing that you just follow. Does any one know this mystery story????

Anyways, whatever the tradition is Jovany got 2 Easter baskets and his first walker. The walker was from us and he's rolling all over the house now (thank God for tile). Abuelita went nuts and the basket was filled with bubbles, sidewalk chalk, sand pail for the beach and cool toys for the bathtub. It was so much fun!

We hope you all had a fun Easter with your family and friends!

The first outing to "Story time" at the library was a hit. Jovany and his best friend Gabriella absolutely love it! Abuelita said they stole the show.....they turned so many heads b/c everyone thought they were twins. They listened to the librarian read the stories and sing songs with finger puppets. A couple of times they wanted to put their two sense in and kinda interrupted her, but I guess she's use to that kind of thing happening. I can't wait to see it with my own eyes this summer when school is out! Here is a picture of the 2 amigos.


Chris said...

Ok, so i am going to start an official vote. Is it time for Jovy to get his hair cut? I say yes. Anyine else?????

Michelle Tovar said...

Not yet....very soon though. I promise Tio Chris...

What is Jovany's favorite fruit?