Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Our Gordito!!!

Goofing off with Mami...we like to sing the "Green Frog" song...

Sunday brunch with the familia....Tia Conchy, Tita, Tito and Tia Chachi

Fat Boy II

Much attitude people!!!!!

That's just a taste of what we are dealing with over here....and for those of you who don't get the Fat Boy II joke.....Jimmy's nickname as a kid was Fat Boy b/c he would kill for food...literally. We might have to invest in some locks for the pantry and fridge b-4 we hit the teenage years.

Our most recent trip on an airplane....Jovy has a fascination with planes, trains and automobiles...He was so excited this trip. He would point to the air and clap with excitement.

Here's Jovany and Gabriella teaching Macey a thing or two....the word No! is being used very loosely lately.


Anonymous said...

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Nick said...

Michelle, us jersey folk saw the video and we're all wondering what happens if you get to 3?! Jovy was testy but made sure he didn't get to 3 lol.


PS we still call fatboy, fatboy lol

What is Jovany's favorite fruit?